Monday, March 8, 2010

March 7, 2010

Wins and Losses

I had a tough time sleeping last night. Well, partially my fault staying up exporting photos and launching this blog but the cough was driving me crazy. Got up at 3am to boil some water just to try and calm it down. I think I finally passed out around 5. As a result I woke up really late today. Sometime after 2pm. I lay in bed for awhile surfing and poking around on FB when Jason pinged me. Eugene had passed away this morning.

Eugene Ouchi was one of my professors and later, colleague at ACAD. I had heard that he had fallen ill recently and diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I didn't realize just how serious it was. It saddens me. He had been contemplating retiring but had decided to stay on one more year.

Eugene was good peoples. I'll always remember him for his analogy to design as a chinese box. You peel away the layers and you find more. Always try and give your designs depth of concept and multiple layers of concept. Then he'd give you that grin as he chewed his gum.
He was big hockey fan. I hope he got a chance to watch the gold medal final during the Olympics. He would have really enjoyed that.

I sent around an email letting people know he had passed. Most of the responses I got were of shock. Not many people knew he was ill and I know he tried to keep it quiet. I'll miss him. Thank you Eugene for passing on your knowledge and wisdom.

I spent the rest of the evening upstairs watching the Oscars with Lara. It was nice to see The Hurt Locker win a bunch as well as Jeff Bridges, Sandra Bullock and Mo'nique pick up trophies.
Now if only I can get rid of this cough that would be a real win for me.

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