Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 1, 2010

Back to Reality

With the Olympics done, reality clunked back into place and the work week began. I have to find a routine I can get comfortable with and start pounding out some of this work I have backlogged. 

I spent the morning running some errands and then tried to buckle down to do some work. I soon discovered, without internet access I ran in to all manner of roadblocks and hurdles. Funny how dependent my job is on getting online. As a result, i didn't get much done today but I have organized myself somewhat so I'm set up for tomorrow. 

I knocked on Lara's door later in the evening to inquire about a coffee shop or internet cafe nearby but after chatting with Dan, I discovered, and offered to set up a wireless network with their internet connection using my Time Capsule. Sorta worked out well because the now have wireless (which Lara claims works faster than when she was hardwired) and I don't have to go out to work now. I can work from my kitchen which is handy dandy.

Tomorrow, I try and get some serious work in.

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