Monday, March 15, 2010

March 14, 2010

A Little Dim in My Sum

Was robbed of an hour of sleep last night because of the time change. Stupid daylight savings... Still got a decent amount of rest though. Woke up early-ish to go have dim sum with Ian and Laura. I haven't had dim sum in awhile so this was a treat. I hopped the bus to the Seabus terminal only to find I had 20 minutes to kill. Booo-urns. I was going to be late. Hate it when I'm late. I figured since I had time I would dig around for a coffee. I saw the Satbucks but decided I really didn't feel like paying an arm and a leg for a princess coffee today. I started looking around for a Timmy's. I wandered around Lonsdale Quay for a few minutes looking for a Timmy's but gave up and headed back towards the Seabus terminal thinking I would consider getting one on the other side. Right about then I noticed the big advert in the window of McDonald's. Free small coffee. Hmmm... I wondered if I needed to make a purchase. I didin;t see any fine print saying otherwise so I stepped inside to make an inquiry. The girl at the till was all too happy to give me my free coffee without purchase (which I found really odd for some reason that she was so happy) and I happily headed back around the corner to the Seabus sipping my free hot McCoffee. Score!

On the other side I made my way towards the Imperial Restaurant on Burrard and coincidentally bumped into Ian and Laura. Nice, nice. Ian explained to me that the building the restaurant was in had a very strange history in that several builders took over the project during it;s construction resulting in some odd architectural features like staircases that went nowhere. Curious. I should like to see some of these staircases going nowhere. The restaurant looked like it used to be a lobby for a hotel. There was a mezzanine level and fancy chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. We seated ourselves and were promptly presented with the first round of food. The dim sum ladies here had to carry their trays. Poor ladies. They must have some seriously strong arms though. Wah. The food was quite good. A couple of interesting twists like shrimp... ehm... not really a dumpling but shrimp stuff on melba toast battered and deep fried. Interesting. Tasty still. I was facing the kitchen so I kept keeping an eye out for the new trays of food. Strangely, the dim sum ladies kept sneaking up from behind me which startled and baffled me because I didn't know where they were coming from. It was like they were coming out from the walls like weird dim sum ninjas. I still thoroughly enjoyed my meal.

After dim sum we walked over to the Northern Pavilion which was still open for the Paralympics. Lots of native inspired art. It was an interesting exhibit. Not entirely my cup of tea but certainly worth a look. We made our way down to the Army & Navy after that to find Ian a fishing rod as he was going fishing on Monday. I tried to convince him to get the Spiderman fishing rod but he wouldn't go for it. He settled on something called the Ugly Stick that came with a whole bunch of accessories.

I took my leave of them to wander through Gastown and Lonsdale Quay before going home to await Xuan's arrival. She had informed me she would be catching the 5pm ferry so I wanted to be sure I had the place clean and ready for her. I picked up a bunch of Olympic stuff that was starting to go on sale for my cousins kids. I think they'll enjoy them even if the Olympics are over.

I got home, cleaned and jumped on my laptop to do some surfing while I waited for Xuan. At about 5pm my IM application pinged to let me know there was a new message. It was Xuan. Ehm... aren't you supposed to be on a boat? Apparently I had misunderstood and she would be arriving tomorrow. Ah. Well then. I'll see you tomorrow then.

Reason to smile today: Dim sum with Ian and Laura. It's been awhile since I've been able to enjoy dim sum without any anxiety.

Something I learned today: For many years DeBeers was the only company on the planet that knew how to find diamonds. It was a closely guarded secret until a Canadian scientist figured it out, passed over a sizable chunk of change to sell DeBeers his findings and keep it secret, and published his findings to the masses.

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