Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 20, 2010


Slept in today. It's Saturday. Late night. I think I'm allowed. Besides, the only thing I got going today is getting together with the Li's. It had been awhile since I'd seen them so it was going to be nice to catch up with them. I miscalculated, however, how long it would take me to get there. I thought they lived a little closer than they actually were and I thought I would be able to get there on one bus. As it turns out I was wrong on both counts. I wound up having to walk several blocks after getting off the bus AND all uphill. I am definitely out of shape... bleh.

Tamami (still sounds weird saying that) asked for some help with her PC. It was running slow so I said i'd have a look at it even though I don't really have much of a clue when it comes to PCs. I thought if I ran a defrag through her laptop and an anti-virus sweep I was bound to make it perform, at least, a teeny tiny bit faster. Taka was doing taxes and Mimi was still sleeping when I got there. I started poking around on her laptop and discovered a few things. 1) The wireless signal on the laptop was reeeeeeeeeeally weak which would account for part of the slow surfing speed. 2) the wireless router was being routed through a really old computer (no, really. It was probably still running DOS....) instead of directly from the cable modem. That was just plain weird. I also did a little research on the wireless router and laughed my butt off after reading one review where the author commented how he had owned many, many wireless routers in his time and that this particular model was "hands-down the worst router he had ever owned."

I convinced Taka to give me a lift to the Future Shop to get a new wireless router. While we were there, Taka also picked up a digital camera. He's not much of a compare and contrast shopper. If it looks good and the price is right he's in. Reminds me of me in some sense but I think when it comes to electronics I'm a bit more of a nerd and I like to know how it performs. We grabbed a bite to eat while we were there and I saw my H&R block cubicle panels being reused this year. I still get a kick out of seeing my stuff in the real world. Its kinda fun.

After getting back to the Li house I set up the new router (God, I hate PCs and how much of a nuisance it is to set up hardware). According to Tamami the speed is blazing fast compared to what it was like before which is good. We also installed Skype on her laptop and tested it out with Tomi. Still need to get her a headset and mic but we'll save that for another weekend.

We picked Tomi up and headed down to Van Ya for dinner. Van Ya is Li-san's new restaurant on Kingsway and Harold. Japanese mom's kitchen is how they're marketing themselves. Cute place. Small. Food was great. Nothing overly spectacular but simple and decent. Just like they advertise. Comfort food. Love it. Li-san was he same as always, if a little older. Always good for a laugh. We talked and laughed about lots of things and caught up with each other. I'm loking forward to seeing them some more while I'm here.

All in all it was good to see them again. Still hard to believe sometimes Taka and Mimi are all grown up. Makes me feel old. :-)

Reason to smile today: Getting to catch up with the Li household.

Something I learned today: The olympics weren't as good to the restaurant industry as one might have thought. Apparently it was actually quite hard on most of them.

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