Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21, 2010

It's a good day for the Yale

I got together with Jacqueline today. It's always good to see her. She had pinged me on Facebook last week to let me know she would be in town. I would also meet Eric for the first time. We agreed to meet down in Yaletown. I got there a little earlier than I thought because I got a lift from Lara as she was heading in that direction.

While I was waiting I wandered around Yaletown. They've done a great job revitalizing the area. It's a very trendy area now. Very cool. Some fun shops and some great restaurants is what I've been told. The community center is an old train yard called the Roundhouse. Very cool use of the old space. I imagine Calgary would have just mowed over the building and built something new and a lot less interesting.

We spent the day wandering through Yaletown, catching up and having coffee. We took a walk along the water, I tried to make an inukshuk, found a cool wireless light switch and reminisced about the old days (yeesh, I sound like an old geezer). We had dinner at the Eatery because it's veggie friendly, funky and they had never been there before. Food was great. Company was better but the time passed way too quickly. I wish sometimes I could make certain moments last a little longer.

Reason to smile today: Spending time with Jacqueline

Something I learned today: I am lucky to have the people I do in my life. I am blessed and rich beyond imagination. Even if I have not a penny to my name, I will never be poor because of them.

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