Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 10, 2010

My Happy Place

I couldn't sleep last night. I sorta dozed in and out but I couldn't sleep. IT drove me nuts. I better be crashing out hard tonight.

I met with Ian this morning to have some breakfast and get my cheque from CM. As an added bonus I got my earbuds back that I had forgotten at his house. Holy yeesh, it's nice to finally get that cheque. I was starting to sweat there scraping the bottom of the barrel. At least I have some breathing room now.

Speaking of breathing, this cough is really irritating.

ok, I'm done ranting about it. At least for today. Oh, something I forgot to mention on Monday. I was at the Save-on and they have one of them auto blood pressure checking do-hickey machines and my blood pressure is normal for the first time in years. Granted, it's a high normal but at least it's normal. I typically check if I have a free moment. One of those things I do out of curiosity and stuff whenever I see one of them. The last couple of years it's been high and I thought it was because of my diet and lack of exercise. Turns out it's just stress. How about that. Isn't that something...

After breakfast, Ian dropped me off downtown so I could hit the bank. He needed to hit a Canadian Tire and there was a TD right by there so he gave me a lift. It was starting to drizzle a little so I was happy to have my rain jacket. I pass through the first set of doors and there are signs on the inner set of doors. "Closed due to emergency situation." I look through the glass and notice security staff and what appear to be police officers inside. There were no cop cars out front so... most curious. The next nearest branch was about 7 or 8 blocks away so I started hoofing it up Broadway. It was nice to walk down the street without the anxiety that had followed me the last couple of years. I also liked that I could look around at new stuff. You know how when you live in a city for a long time and then you look up one day while you;re walking down a familiar street and notice something you hadn't noticed before? Well, Vancouver is somewhat familiar but visually less explored for me so it was fun looking around.

I made it to the bank no problem, did what I needed to and exited. My cough was acting up again and I needed something to wet my throat. I also needed to find a Bank of Montreal. I looked across the street and lo-and behold, a BMo. I grinned, held up my hands and thought, "Well, wouldja look at that. Things are looking good today." BMo was empty and the guy behind the counter was a pretty French man. Yes, I said pretty. He looked like he should have been directing traffic at a fashion runway show. His coiffed hair, Armani glasses and his french accent made me giggle a little but the thing that did it for me was as I was mid-sentence asking about how long I could expect for the hold on my cheque because it was a new account, he says, "Ah lahk yo gla'sses. Zey ar veghry nice." I sorta stopped and looked at him blankly with a stupid smile on my face before I could muster a thank you. It was a very odd exchange. Now don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't appreciate compliments but in the 25 years that I have worn glasses I don't think I have ever been complemented on my glasses out of left field by a stranger. Maybe it was because he was french and I'm fashionably impared...

After BMo I wandered around towards the London Drugs I remember seeing as I was walking up. I reeeeeeally needed a drink. I got to the doors only to find them all papered up with a happy note announcing they had moved one block east. Really? Yeesh. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. A bum heckled my Flames hoodie. Oh yeah, I'm in Vancouver... I finally got my drink and immediately regretted my choice. I wanted a ginger ale but they didn't have any so I picked up a bottle of the green tea ginger ale. It was terrible. I don't recommend it to anyone. I wonder who comes up with these ideas sometimes. Coffee coke? Pepsi Blue? Green tea ginger ale? I shake my head in wonder sometimes at the marketing geniuses that come up with this crap. It was about this time that I noticed that the street I had thought was Granville was actually Cambie. Sonsamabich! Granville was in fact ten blocks west. I rolled my eyes, turned around and marched up the street.

I don't mind walking. I really don't. Not having ever owned my own vehicle I've done a lot of it in my life and to some degree I think I notice a lot more things that I wouldn't otherwise in a car. I can also stop to peek in a window or take a picture if something catches my attention. Something I wouldn't recommend if you're driving. I walked past Memphis Blues Barbecue House which, for any of you meatatarians, is a fantastic Southern Barbecue restaurant. Everything is self serve including drinks and getting your food. The West Broadway location is tiny but I have fond memories of eating there with Hanne, Gary and Mike after Ian and Laura's wedding.

Once I got to Granville Island I was in a very good mood. It had been a few years since I'd been here and it's always been one of my happy places. The atmosphere is vibrant, the food is fresh and everything just feels... happier there. I wandered through the market snapping pictures, listening to buskers and enjoying myself. Love this place. As I wandered out of the market and down towards some of the other shops I found myself behind the Sandbar (another tasty dining experience), I noticed a little boat that had been dry docked and was being displayed. There were a couple of other people also taking pictures of it so I snapped a few and was getting ready to be on my way. I was checking my iPhone for something when I heard what appeared to be a splash behind me like someone had thrown a cup of water on the ground behind me. I turned to find a lady looking rather surprised and much to both of our horror covered in bird... stuff... A gull or a pigeon had carpet bombed her. It would have been fine if it was, y'know, one poop but it wasn't. I helped her over to the cafe that was ten steps away and asked the girl who greeted us if she had some napkins or rags for the poor lady. The recoil this girl did when she realized what all the white stuff covering this lady was, was priceless. I left the poor lady at the cafe and went on my way. Yoikes. That was almost me...

I wandered down towards Emily Carr and decided to poke around inside. I have to say, I wish ACADs facilities was half as cool. Man, it is so nice in there. I wandered across to the south building and meandered around looking at some of the projects they had posted on the walls. I started thinking about Eugene. I wondered if any of the design staff here knew him? I saw a lady who looked like a faculty member and stopped her on the stairs to ask. "That's a good question," she replied. She said she was actually on her way over to the Dean's office and that either the Dean there or her secretary would most likely know. I followed her over and she introduced me to a lady named Trudy. "Trudy, this young fellow is from AAC... AA... I'm sorry what was it again?" I sorta looked at her funny and replied ACAD. She left me with Trudy and I explained Eugene's recent passing and was wondering if an of the staff on the design side might know who he was and perhaps they would care to know. She explained that the Dean of Design was in a Dean's meeting currently but that she would be happy to leave a message for her. I wrote down my e-mail address on the post-it note she gave me and then said, "and you were from A..."
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!? There are four sister schools in Canada. Emily Carr, ACAD, OCA and NSCAD. Are you telling me you have NO clue they exist?!?! Even the department secretary at NSCAD knew what ACAD was. This was absolutely mind boggling. Recently there was an article written in a prominent art magazine about the art colleges in Canada and I have been told that there wasn't a single mention of ACAD in that article. This encounter reminded me of that and as I left ECI I grumbled something under my breath about the current outgoing administration at ACAD and headed back towards the public market.

During the course of my roaming around Granville Island I found myself on the east end. I had never been past Emily Carr and was actually surprised to find stuff there. There was a mini community called the Sea Village comprising of a series of floating houses lashed together against the pier. Now THIS was very cool. I took some pictures and noticed a woman walking along the dock in front of the houses and stopped her to ask about how this community came to be. She explained that she wasn't actually a resident but was looking after one of the units for her friend. Apparently they ised to be located on the other side of False Creek but had to move for some reason and found themselves here. Now I imagine the reality of a moving house aren't quite as glamorous but imagine being bored or really hating your neighbor one day one day and going, yeah, I'm moving to the other side of the water...

I hadn't eaten anything yet today and the soup Ian had brought for me last week was still on my mind. It was getting a little cool out so a little Muligatawny soup was sounding reeeeeeally good. I enjoyed my bowl of soup as I looked across False Creek. All in all, I was really enjoying my time here today even though I was getting absolutely nothing accomplished work wise.

I made my way home and came back to find the back door open. I figured it was probably Dan but I made ready to jump whomever it was inside if it wasn't. Well... I don't really know what I would have done but it sounded good for a second there. It turned out to be Dan coming home from work. I asked if he had Lara dinner plans. As I had just been infused with a bit of cash I wanted to go celebrate by eating some sushi. I hadn't had any since getting here so I was chomping at the bit to get some. As it turned out, Lara wasn't going to be home so Dan and I made our way down the street to Sushiman (yes, really) and consumed 46 pieces in about ten minutes. Now, I know I eat fast but I don't think I've ever had sushi with someone that kept up with my pace let alone beat me. Most of the time I have to make a conscious effort to slow down so that I don't wind up sitting and staring at whomever I'm having dinner with for any length of time. It was impressive. I like eating sushi with Dan. We walked across the parking lot to Baskin-Robbins™ for dessert and headed back to the house. I think I passed out in about an hour. I was so bagged from not sleeping the night before and all the walking that I was in bed by 9. Amazing day. I'm lovin' it.

Reason to smile today:
Visiting Granville Island. One of my happy places.

Something I learned today:
It is not unlucky to open an umbrella indoors if it a store that exclusively sells umbrellas

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