Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 3, 2010

Grinding It Out

I'm trying to get into a good routine so I can get work done. I have some projects on the go still so I can't completely sit on my butt. I've decided my morning routine will consist of showering then wandering out across the street to get a coffee. I've always found that getting out of the house helps me wake up a little and get in the right frame of mind. It seemed to work today as I put in some decent hours and got cracking n this proposal that's due Friday. Strangely, the more I worked on it, the more I didn't want to do the project. little red flags started to go up as I worked my way through the RFP. I don't think they need a designer. They're looking for someone to pick colours, pick fonts, and develop an architecture. I can probably do that in a couple of hours. It'll probably take me longer to write up the proposal. Hmmmm...

Decided to send an e-mail to clarify the scope of work then go do some grocery shopping. Need to do some dishes and the sponge on the sink is a little sketchy...

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