Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 22, 2010

The good life

I slept really deep last night. I must have. I only got 5 hours of sleep but I woke up before my alarm went off and I felt good. I knew I was going to have a short work day today so I buckled down right away. Got a little further with Chris' tattoo. This Celtic knot work is driving me a bit batty. It's definitely not my thing but I imagine it's good practice for when I give the Ireland jersey another go.

I decided I would try a different approach to my job searching. i haven't had a tonne of response so for the companies that seem to be a little more informal I thought I would try something with a little more humour involved. First is my cover page. Hopefully that will grab their attention. Today, I applied at a firm in San Francisco. My resume stayed the same but I thought I'd mess with my cover letter. I had my regular formal cover letter then in 5pt type I wrote some other stuff in between the lines. Something about if I didn't at least get a phone call I would send them boxes of dead fish or something to that effect. I tried to make it funny and bring out some of my personality. Hopefully this will get me a couple of responses instead of the dead silence I've been getting.

Ian picked me up just after noon and we headed down to White Rock to have lunch with Hanne. I hadn't seen Hanne since I'd arrived so it was nice to see her. She's looking a lot like her mom. We took a walk down to the waterfront with Gidget. We wound up at an Irish Pub called SlĂ inte by the Pier. It was really odd. There were two new Irish pubs that had opened up two doors down from each other. We sat on the patio and enjoyed the sun. The food was really good. i had the Fish and Chips and it was really nice. Not greasy at all. Ian and Hanne also said their food was quite good. Two thumbs up. Highly recommend it.

Ian and I headed back into the core and back to his place later that afternoon. Laura was at home and it was decided that we would go to Incendio's for dinner. Interesting back story to Incendio's. It's a pizza place that had a brick, wood burning oven. That was their shtick. Unfortunately, something went horribly wrong at some point and the place wound up being consumed in a fire caused by the oven. Irony... They've recently reopened and it's very nice in there. The food was tasty (I've had pizza from there before). We had a Capricciossa pizza (ham, pepperoni, artichokes, mushrooms and olives) and an antipasto plate to start. Mmmmmm mmmmm. I have found the food in vancouver to be really good. I guess that's one thing about world-class cities. Better variety and better caliber of restaurants. That's not to say Vancouver doesn't have it's share of complete crap places but it's certainly miles ahead of Cowtown. And the FISH. Oh, don't get me started about how seafood tastes so much better closer to the water...

Was a good day today. I'm happy that things seem to be getting better and better. Now if I can only land me that job...

Reason to smile today: Lunch on the patio overlooking the beach with good friends and good food

Something I learned today: more action. the year is 1/4 over

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