Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 2, 2010

Working It Out

I'm trying to find a routine. Finding my flow. Trying to sleep and wake at a regular hour and trying to work some regular hours. It'll take a bit of time but I want to stick to it and get it going.

Today I managed to put in a decent number of work hours. Not bad for day two. I still didn't get as much accomplished as I hoped but that was in part due to the proposal I was trying to write. Turns out this job isn't much of a job at all. These people don't need a designer. They need an information architect and a production person with a little bit of design sense.

Went to the store in the evening to get supplies for dinner. Decided on Spaghettini, spinach salad and garlic toast. I figure it's the least I can do every now and then to say thanks for letting me stay. All told, pretty cheap. Can't complain. It took a little longer to prep and make dinner without the tools I like to use but that's ok. All part of the lifestyle. Dinner worked out well. Dan and Lara seemed to enjoy it and we went across the street to get donuts for dessert. Curiously, I decided to get a donut this morning with my coffee so I was double dosing today.

Feels weird living like a student again. Not a lot of stuff, not a lot of money and working like a dog. Being on a budget really sucks. It sucks worse when you have to be really conscious of what you're buying so you don't accumulate things in case you need to suddenly move. To top things off I think I'm getting sick. Bleh. I hope this doesn't go full blown. Guess I shoulda brought the ColdFX™ with me...

On a high note, I did get a pretty picture of the evening sky today.

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