Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 5, 2010


I spent most of the day resting. This cold although not particularly serious is annoying. I didn't have anything pressing so I decided to let my body do what it had to. I drank lots of honey and lemon and rested plenty.

Living in he basement suite, it's a bit cavernous. I don't get a lot of sun and the blinds are usually drawn so I typically don't see outside much. I decided around 3 that it would be in my best interest to go outside, breath some fresh(ish) air and get some sun. Not that I'm some sort of plant that needs to photosynthesize but a little sun is good for the mind, body and soul. I wandered down to Tim's to get a coffee.

It was gorgeous out. Beautiful blue sky, warm sun, crisp air. Well, as crisp as air can get in the city near a major road. I stopped to snap some photos of the blooming flowers on a neighbor's tree. Pretty. Wandering back into the yard I realized I never had a good look around the yard. I did a lap. Hey there's a hot tub (empty). Also a compost bin. Hmmm, I can get my green on. It's actually a pretty cute set up.

Anyhoo, back inside to rest some more. Oh right, can't forget to roll up the rim to win. ...hey, I won a free donut.

Lara  came and knocked on my door later that night to see if I wanted to rent a movie. We made a trip to the video store and rented three movies. I started to get hungry so we ordered some pizza back at the house (not a lot of selection that delivers after 10pm). Wound up watching Old Boy. Creepy Korean movie. It's good. I've seen it before.

Tomorrow I have to be up early. Lara has some people coming through to check out the suite. God, I hope I get over this soon.

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