Saturday, March 6, 2010

February 27, 2010


Woke up early this morning to head into the core. Tomoko was moving today and I promised her I'd help her out. She has to be out of her place by noon today and although a lot of the heavy lifting had been done the night before it was still going to be a race to the finish. It was drizzly out which is par for the course for Vancouver. I headed downtown and grabbed a coffee and some McD brekkie on the way. As luck would have it, Tomi was pulling into the drive through at the same time so I caught a lift back to her place. 

The move was actually pretty quick. The thing that ironically took the longest was the moving of the old fridge which we were almost able to avoid if we had been about 90 seconds quicker. It was a mother of a beast but we (as in mostly Chris and the landlord) managed to maneuver it out of the place. It was suuuuuuuuuper tight but somehow it worked out. I felt bad for Chris but there was no way I was gonna come close to being able to lift that thing. Not saying Im a complete wus but I haven't done much to build my upper body strength. I iz a computer nerd...

Once I got Tomi moved in I made my way back to Lonsdale Quay to meet up with Thalia. It was good to see her again. She also appears to be doing well which is awesome to hear. She got a new gig which will hopefully cement her residency here and her and Whitney are going to move in together in the spring. It's always good to hear that the kids are doing well. We hung out for the afternoon and exprienced one of the strangest things in my life. Skating on plastic. Thalia told me they had set up an outdoor skating rink in West Van in the parking lot of a strip mall so curious, and having not strapped on the ol' blades in awhile, we went and checked it out. I almost fell over on my face with the first stride. I didn't realize it was plastic and was completely confused why I had lost my skating legs. After coming to the realization that there was no ice involved I observed, although similar, it definitely wasn't the same. I had to change my mechanics a little bit as you didn't glide nearly as far moving forward and you had a tendency to slip when pushing off the plastic surface. It was odd. The best way I can describe it is trying to skate on an outdoor rink with a bunch of snow on it that impeded your forward progress but skating on a pristine indoor rink, freshly zambonied with the ice being just a little slicker when you pushed off. I inquired about it and they said there was no refridgeration system in place so it appears this system could quite plausibly be something someone could install in their basement. Interesting...

We hooked up with Whitney after and headed down to Robson to have dinner then take in the light show at Robson Square. The atmosphere was pretty jovial considering the rain but it was pretty fun. The zipline they had set up over Robson was pretty cool. I sorta wish I could ride it but the lineup for it was retardedly long. 

Whitney's ex met up with us after the show which concerned me some. I think it was the first time she'd seen him since the split and i was concerned how she was going to take it. Having had to deal with Rose calling me back in October and not being able to keep it together I was definitely nervous for her. Seemed to work out ok though. She seemed fine and at the end of the night I let her know she could call any time if something went sideways. I hope I can get through my own issues soon too. I think being here will help. 

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