Wednesday, April 7, 2010

March 30, 2010

Forgetful Teaky

Got together with Ian to get my laptop power cord back this morning. Yeesh. It's becoming a bad habit. Leave Ian's place, leave something behind. We met at Brioche to have a little breakfast. Well, probably closer to brunch seeing as it was 11. I have to say I do enjoy being able to hang out with Ian a lot more these days. Good for the soul.

After breakfast, Ian had to work so I went to the VPL to do some work. What a great building. I got a great spot next to one of the exterior windows looking out over the street. As I hammered away at work I started to get really tired. It's funny. I've found I get really tired during the days even when I get more than enough sleep. I actually dozed off at my desk for a few minutes. Well, at least I was still productive. I got my business cards done which is nice since I was starting to get razzed for not having any by some of the HOBN folk. The printing was super cheap. $1 a sheet for colour printouts on card stock. Gotta like that.

After, I noticed the CBC across the street so I wandered over to see if the CBC store was open. Lara and Dan had raved about it. As it turns out, the CBC store is actually more of a kiosk than an actual store. They had some pretty cool stuff in there though. Some really nice retro design apparel and bags, HNIC door mats, and a whole shelf full of stuff they were trying to clear out. I could have easily dropped $300 there but I retrained myself. Must... not... buy... unnecessary stuff... In the end I bought a touque and a jersey. The jersey was half off and the touque was $1.99 so I couldn't turn that down. I got $70 worth of stuff for $30. Score!

I was meeting Jarusha over in East Van for a photo show in the evening so I walked across the Cambie Street bridge and into East Van. It turns out this gallery is actually located in the lobby of a residential apartment complex. Interesting. It was a small space and it was jam packed with people. I wandered around the show for a bit and then found Jarusha. So good to see her again. She came with a friend who was also an ACAD grad so it was like a weird ACAD reunion thing. Then Chelsea Hailes appeared out of nowhere to say hello to Jarusha. This is where things got awkward.

You know when you have one of those moments where you don't recognize someone you should? Well, Chelsea was one of my kids from my Photo design class and she is a very talented photographer whose work I quite like. This wasn't a case of forgetting someone, just... completely not recognizing them. Now in my defense she had cut her hair and she looked a lot thinner than I remember her. I also didn't remember the nose ring or her other piercing. In any case, she immediately remembered me and I did one of those, "where do I know you from" greetings before realizing to my horror that it was Chelsea. I used to be good with faces and bad with names. Now i seem to be bad at both. Yeesh, I can't wait to get old. I'm going to be a complete mental case. I felt sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. I hope Chelsea doesn't think I'm a complete moron. *sigh*

I caught the Skytrain partway home with Jarusha before catching the bus back to the North Shore. Apart from my gaffe with Chelsea it worked out to be quite a good day.

Reason to smile today: Seeing Jarusha. I hope we get a chance to hang out a lot more.

Something I learned today: sometimes coffee tastes soapy if made with ice cold water

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