Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 3, 2010

Show and don't tell

My brain was cranking last night and I had a a hard time sleeping. On the bright side i have a few more ideas for Fred and Friends. Really gotta get on that one of these days.

Went to the car show with Ian today. There was some interesting cars. Truth be told, I was hoping to see a few more concept cars but I imagine that unless you go to Detroit or Tokyo or Geneva you probably won't see anything totally weird. Did see some nice cars though. I got a couple of Timmy's cards out of it too. There was some sort of a competition called Cliff My Ride and all I had to do was vote on which car I thought should take a ride off the edge of a cliff and I got a $5 Timmy's card. Nice, nice.

In checking out some fo the cars i did change my mind on a couple of cars. I sat in the new Camaro and immediately didn't like the huge blind spots it had. Yeah, it's off my list of hot cars i'd like to own one day. The Scion xD on the other hand was a vehicle I had originally looked at and went, "meh" but now having sat in one I can say i would definitely drive one. Potential ride in the coming years...

Had lunch at Jimmy's afterward. It was kinda nice out so we sat on the patio. I do like the fact it's warming up. Hopefully I'll get to sit on a few more patios soon.

The evening was busy with Lara's mom's b-day. I don't know what I was thinking but I pulled a completely retarded move when packing my get up for the shindig. I packed a greyish shirt with black pants, tan socks and brown shoes. Like, seriously?!?!? I think the Fashion Police would have booked me on all sorts of crimes against colour co-ordination and thrown me in the sin bin for a few years. Eeeeeek. Unfortunately i didn't have much f a choice so I had to wear what I had and spent most of the evening hiding myself from the knees down.

The False Creek Yacht Club was nice. Great view of False Creek. Very pretty. Dinner was fine and for the birthday cake, Lara bought two wheels of brie and put 70 candles on them. The thing looked like it was fully ablaze in my pictures. Pretty funny.

Reason to smile today: always fun to experience new places and things.

Something I learned today: I am still fashionably impared and really should get other people to dress me for formal occasions.

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