Wednesday, April 7, 2010

March 29, 2010

Culture Shock

Started the day with Ian and Chris. Well, not quite started but close enough. I was meeting Chris for the first time today to talk about his tattoo. We went for brunch and over the course of our discussion I discovered the Celtic design he wanted wasn't really Celtic at all. Apparently he meant tribal but got his descriptive terms wrong. The tribal one will be easier as I won't have to deal with the technicalities of knot work so I'll get on that next week.

After dinner Ian and I hit a movie. We saw How to Train Your Pet Dragon. It was quite good. Much better than I expected. There was some good, dry humour by the main character and the dragon, Toothless, was curiously cat-like but still pretty fun.

We were going to go to Guu for dinner but it was closed. We made the walk up to Dougie Dog instead. Ian and Laura said they were really good gourmet hot dogs so I was expecting at least Le Chien Chaud and Tubby Dog. After having a peruse over the menu I decided on a Crif Dog. Bacon wrapped sausage with pineapple and green onions. Tasty. I also tried a Boylans root beer for the first time. Not bad. I still like the Henry Weinhard's the best I think.

On the walk home it was getting a bit chilly and I had forgotten my touque back at the apartment so we popped into a few shops to see if I could find a touque. Complete fail in terms of finding a good touque but I did find a hat. A fedora actually. Fedoras have made a comeback in the last little while so I've seen them all over the place. I've tried a few on for curiosities sake but haven't been entirely convinced. Recently I posted a photo and a number of people commented on it. Tonight, both Ian and LauI thought I would give it a go. After all, I am re-inventing myself in some ways. Guess we'll see how I feel about it.

Hung out at Ian and Laura's for the rest of the evening then got dropped off at home. I discovered, much to my dismay when I got home, that I had forgotten my power cable for my laptop at Ian's. It's becoming a bit of a bad habit, me forgetting stuff at Ian's. I guess I'll see if Ian is free for brekkie tomorrow...

Reason to smile today: A new hat. Something different

Something I learned today: If you have a hunch about something. Clarify... Celtic vs Tribal

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