Monday, April 19, 2010

April 10, 2010

Mortimus Nerd

I was supposed to go to the Slush Cup today but the outing was cancelled due to there being no event. The Slush Cup, as it turns out was back in March.

It sorta worked out well as Misa called to see what I was doing. I met up with him and his friend Rob outside of Big Pete's near Lonsdale Quay.

As we were deciding what to do next, Misa decided he'd better move his car as he was parked in a two hour zone and his time was nearly done. As he pulled out of his parking space he almost clipped a rather large black guy on a motorcycle. The fella who was wearing a black leather jacket with a skull and some sort of Korean writing on it started yelling at Misa and I thought for a second he was going to get off his bike, smash the window, drag Misa out by the scruff of his neck and pound him flat. I honestly don't know what I would have done (or could have done) if that happened. I know I started looking around for something ...not that it would have helped any. In the end, angry words were exchanged and he rode off.


We went for lunch at the Quay. I had quite a lovely sandwich and a Weinhardt's Root Beer. I picked up an extra bottle for Dan as he had never had one before.

After lunch we hit another comic book store. I believe my reaction the second I opened the door was, "Woah..." I hadn't even stepped foot in the shop yet and I was already shocked. The place was completely packed. Not in a good way either. All I could see were piles of stuff. There seemed to be a marginal semblance of order but overall, things were just piled all over the place. As far as a collector would think, this place was a disaster. I don't think there was anything in there in mint condition due to the way things were stored. I think I kicked, knocked over and otherwise got caught on a half a dozen items piled up somewhere. Some of the piles were leaning precariously. one pile in particular went up to the ceiling and when I pointed it out to Misa he poked it to which I IMMEDIATELY replied, "please don't do that. I don't feel like being buried in an avalanche of plastic toys."

Dan made bacon wrapped hot dogs for dinner. Very tasty and very harsh on the arteries. I think I could hear my heart screaming at me to stop the madness. All I can say is, they were tasty even if Lara almost set the whole barbecue on fire cooking them.

We finished off the evening watching the Bucket List. Great movie. Always been a fan of Morgan Freeman.

Reason to smile today: Bacon wrapped hot dogs. Bacon makes everything better...

Something I learned today: I am not nearly as much of a comic book nerd as i had previously thought. I think that actually works out as a good thing.

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